Empirica-Advisor is an intelligent robo-advisory platform with the strongest algorithmic engine on the market that allows to build sophisticated investment algorithms. It uses artificial intelligence to give advisors unique insights about their clients to lower their churn and increase their engagement. Those two characteristics make Empirica-Advisor absolutely unique in the whole robo advisory space. And it will make your offering unique on asset management market.

Why Empirica Robo Advisory Platform?

Empirica-Advisor is a white label solution for asset managers, who want to use latest technological advances to offer new level of services to their customers. It automates the process of customer onboarding, constructing a portfolio, asset allocation, portfolio rebalancing and reinvesting of dividends.

  • Differentiate your offering

    Stand out from the crowd on asset management market by using our powerful algorithmic engine that allows you to implement and execute most sophisticated investment strategies

  • Engage your customers

    Make customers stick to your strategies for years with Goal Based Investing and impressive user experience with real time portfolio information.

  • Be fast on market

    Introduce to your customers new level of service with our fully customizable solution.

  • Lower the churn rate

    Lower the churn of customers through Artificial Intelligence mechanisms and behavioral analysis

  • Attract new groups of customers

    Make your offer affordable for millennial generations and clients with lower assets without compromising your profits with usage of automation.

Empirica Robo Advisory Platform – Investor Dashboard

Empirica provides Robo Technology for:

Wealth management companies who want to GO DIGITAL 


Traditional wealth management industry is facing perhaps its most disruptive change since the online stock trading in the mid 1990’s. Most of wealth management companies have now a prime opportunity to apply robo-advisory technology to respond on time to the growing expectations of existing and future investors (the Millennials) and to stay more cost-efficient and profitable even in lower fees environment.

By investing in an automated advisory platform, traditional wealth managers can build and power an omni-channel environment where customized advice is delivered through advisor, call center and digital models. Empirica supports the digitalization process of wealth management by offering robo-solutions for asset management companies and investment funds.

New FinTech players who want to GO ROBO

robotRobo-advice is changing the landscape of global wealth management. New consumer brands of pure robo-advisors appear in the digital wealth management industry. Empirica-Advisor is an optimal solution for asset managers, who want to use latest technological advances to offer new level of services to their customers, making the investing process for customers:

  • engaging – with depth of real-time information presented in attractive way,
  • affordable – attractive fees from customer side, while keeping the margin of the advisor with automated portfolio management,


  • To widen the market for clients whose assets are below minimum required now by traditional advising.
  • To stay profitable in lower fees environment
  • To work with Millennial Investors – a largely untapped source of assets.
  • To address growing expectations on level of the service. To provide your investors with real time information on their assets in engaging way.
  • To attract investors by providing users portfolio aligned with their life goals instead of products of the advisor.
  • To benefit as a manger from behavioral analysis of the customer activities in the system to help them better deal with emotional aspects of investing.

Robo Advisors are revolutionizing wealth management industry by changing the way people invest. Empirica is backing this revolution by providing robo advisors, the software that allows them to offer their customers low fees, fully automated portfolio management and impressive user experience.

Digitalization of wealth management

What our robo platform allows you to do:

  • Beautiful Dashboard (web, mobile) deployed with your branding, color scheme, and compliance language
  • Automated customer onboarding with customizable questionnaire
  • Create and execute any algorithmic strategy with powerful Algorithmic Trading Platform behind
  • Multiasset – on any market, any instrument, any order type
  • Simulated Trading and backtesting
  • Connect to any broker and any market data feed (third party neutral)
  • Backoffice console
  • Customer notifications
  • Security, reliability, institutional grade performance
  • Portfolio rebalancing
  • Flexible reporting
  • Account monitoring – orders, positions, balances

Empirica Robo Advisory Platform – Balance projection, Questionnaire Screenshot

Digital revolution and Advice-Robots in wealth management industry

The digital revolution has already transformed financial industry esp. in banking or insurance area. The disruptive change is now entering the wealth and asset management sector. What are the most important trends in digital transformation? What currently exists in the digital landscape? How can technology be used to engage customers? How can digital technology help make services simpler to use?

Robo-Advise is not about tomorrow anymore. It’s about today.

robo_quertyA robo advisor (robo-adviser) is an online wealth management service that provides automated, algorithm-based portfolio management advice without the use of human financial planners. Robo-advisors are typically low-cost, have low account minimums, and attract younger investors who are more comfortable doing things online.

The idea made sense to many, and robo-advisors quickly gained market traction. Full-service, high-value-added, person-to-person activity isn’t for everybody. There’s generations of tomorrow’s investors coming up today who are more attracted to something less person-to-person and more technologically enabled. Robo advisory companies and traditional wealth management firms are utilizing new technologies and offerings to target Millennials (Ages: 18 – 35), a largely untapped source of assets. Almost 40% of Millennials are interested in robo-advice and their predisposition is to “do-it-through-an-app”.

Globally, wealth managers were responsible for $74 trillion in assets under management (AUM) in 2014. BI Intelligence forecasts that robo-advisors will manage around $8 trillion of total global assets under management (AUM) by 2020. (THE ROBO-ADVISING REPORT: Market forecasts, key growth drivers, and how automated asset management will change the advisory industry” by BI Intelligence, 2016.)
What does it mean for advisors today?

 The next few years will be challenging for CEOs of wealth management companies. The top challenges include starting the digital transformation journey, which has an influence to:

  • The Grow of AUM
  • Cost Management
  • Regulatory Changes Navigating
  • Adapting to disruptive innovations in the business environment
  • Enhancement of customer satisfaction and engagement

Automated advisory platform allows firms and advisors to be significantly more cost-efficient in their advice delivery and execution, helping maintain profits even if fee income declines. These platforms also allow to scale up operations and serve more clients of every size and type.

Technology aids transparency and trust. When all operations are running through the automated advisory platform, it is easy to report to the client exactly what is happening, and why. Similarly, periodic reporting—quarterly, yearly or as often as the client wants—can be easily automated as well. The best automated platforms will record each interaction, as well as any client feedback, both for regulatory purposes and to enhance future interactions.